What are your top 3 tips to staying stylish after becoming a mother?
#1 I’m a girl who believes in the importance of comfort while looking good. So, my #1 tip is to wear BLANQI leggings or stretchy jeans. As moms, we have way too much chasing and bending over in our lives to be restricted. #2 Take time for yourself every day. It may be a short moment but taking time for myself has made me a happier and more patient mom. Being stylish isn’t just about how you look but also how you feel about yourself. So, go to the gym, go shop for yourself, or go take a long shower…whatever it is, go feed your soul and your beauty will radiate through your happiness.#3 Lash extensions and tinted sunscreen/moisturizer. Anything to help me look like I put myself together when I didn’t is my favorite! LipSense is also a MUST because it’s smudge proof, waterproof, and kiss proof long lasting lipstick so I can kiss my baby and look good with any color lip without the mess.
How would you describe your personal style?
My style is a combination of edgy and sporty. I love throwing my hair in a ponytail or putting on a hat to top off my relaxed/workout look throughout the week. But on the weekends and when it’s time to go out, I like to make a statement. I like to feel like a hot mom!How have/do you overcome challenges?
This is an answer that has stuck with me throughout my whole life. I have always been one to want to prove people wrong... even myself. I believe that life is too precious and far too short to be lived settling with what you were “given”. No matter where we come from or how our story starts, we can be whoever we want. We can live any life we decide we want to live… all we have to do is decide we can, and work our butts off for it. The mind is the strongest muscle you have in your body. It’s the mind that decides if you will or you won’t. So, with that being said, my way to overcome challenges is to work on my mindset. I visualize what I want and I think about how I can get there. I literally write down steps on how to achieve said goal. Then, I go and do and I don’t look back. No matter what the challenge is, YOU WILL WIN any race you start if you don’t give up and you truly believe you can.What do you do to unplug?
I go to the gym or the mall. But if I’m with my little guy I love to go on mommy and son dates with him and get to know who he is becoming and what he loves.
How would you describe a day in your life?
Well, that kind of depends on which day of the week it is. I love having an organized schedule so I don’t get stressed out because I’m running out of time for things. So, Mondays and Wednesdays my little boy goes to an early preschool for the day so after I drop him off I go to the gym then run all the errands I can’t do with him (lets be real… going grocery shopping with littles is a disaster - haha!). I also set up any appointments or meetings on those days as well. Then, I pick him up, feed him dinner, and put him to bed. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays we wake up and go to the gym, Tues and Thurs he goes to swimming after, then we eat lunch and it's nap time. During nap time I rest or clean… I usually do what I feel I need most... so usually it’s rest! ☺ Then, when he wakes up we go do an activity. And every day after bedtime I answer emails and do whatever it is I need to get done. Weekends we tend to not have a set schedule and just plan on having fun ☺. It’s really important to me to be organized so I can be balanced. I need time to work on myself (gym), time to work, time to play and spend time with my little one, and time to rest/recover every day.How and where do you find inspiration?
Believe it or not, Social Media. Social Media can be a negative thing but only if you let it be. The way you choose to perceive something is just that… your choice. I choose to follow people who motivate and inspire me. I try not to let others make me feel bad about myself or my life but instead see them for the good they do. But my biggest inspiration is my family.My husband and son are the reasons I do what I do and am who I am. They have pushed me to learn, to grow, and to become someone who they are proud of. Every choice I make in my life I make thinking of them. They are the most beautiful human beings I have ever met and aspire to be.
What has been the biggest surprise about motherhood?
Hahahaha other than not ever sleeping again, I would say my strength. The strength a mother learns to have to not only keep her kids alive but also safe, is absolutely incredible! EVERY MOTHER IS WONDER WOMAN. I 100% believe it! I have not only learned to live off of much less sleep, but have grown more patient and more loving then I have ever been. Before becoming a mom, I was selfish. My thoughts were consumed of myself and my own bubble. Now, I sacrifice my sanity because I refuse to ever give up on my son. No matter how difficult raising a little one may be, I will forever stand by his side… through the good and the bad.What is something you wish someone had told you before having your first child?
I wish people told me to be careful with what I ate during my pregnancy. I was told that now is that time to eat anything you want because it’s now or never. Well, every pound that I put on, I had to take off and it took a TON of blood, sweat, and tears. I wish people told me that the first two weeks are the hardest and you don’t need to change the baby’s diaper (unless he poops) at night- haha! But most of all, I wish people told me that it may not be perfect and that baby blues are real. You may not be obsessed in love with your baby right away and that’s ok! Having a new baby is like getting to know a stranger and as you get to know each other…. The love and obsession comes along with it.
List 5 of your mama must-haves and 5 of your baby must-haves.
Mama must-haves:
- Nipple cream (I use it on my lips as chapstick and to heal dry skin on my baby too…. You’ll thank me later haha)
- A backpack diaper bag… having both hands is a must
- LipSense (smudge proof lips for the win!)
- The Secrets of the Baby Whisperer book
Baby must-haves:
- Rubber bibs with scoop (saved tons of my son’s clothes)
- Binkie!
- A good stroller
- Costco baby wipes (they are THE best)
- Hand sanitizer (nobody has time to be sick)
If you could give one piece of advice about motherhood, what would it be?
You will feel like you’re failing and doing everything wrong. Well, you’re not. Because you even worry about this means you’re an amazing mother. And no matter what your kid does or says to you… he/she loves you more than anything in this world. Remember to get down on the floor and play with them often, remember to get to know their brains, they are smart even from the moment they are born. And most of all know that they are the luckiest babies to have you as their mother!What a beautiful and inspiration glimpse into motherhood! Rebecca is one mama we adore following her journey and you can do the same, here. Happy Monday, all!